Modern information technologies and IT infrastructures allow to optimize production processes inno-vatively. Our customers are now able to increase productivity and efficiency for a more cost-effective production, thus opening up essential advantages in global competition.
„Smart Factory“ means for us not only to optimize individual process or production steps separately but entire supply chains. For this, modern IT technologies are employed to gain an intelligent linking of the individual machines, equipment and control systems, and compile a jointly communicating machinery network.
HEDRICH 4.0 is our concept to create the digitalized future. Already now, we emphasize on digital technologies to control equipment and monitor them in real time, make processes transparent and more efficient, optimize project documentations and manage data in the way they are really needed. Linked systems and resource-saving equipment designs complete the digital focus.
HEDRICH 4.0 is based on three pillars that will grant you an efficient production, well prepared for future demands as well as growing productivity and quality: Smart Products, Smart Factory and Smart Processes.