Efficiency at HEDRICH: Tangible Surplus Value in Many Fields
1. More Technology
No matter whether your product is insulated by a cast resin system or by an oil/paper application, HEDRICH always provides you with the optimum vacuum process and the ideal solution for your requirements.
2. More Innovations
Permanent innovations are setting the pace to a growing productivity of our customers, providing more process safety and high reliability in the equipment availability.
3. More Service
Our worldwide network with own service locations, e.g. in Germany, China and India as well as long-term partners grant comprehensive service. Just to mention a 24h availability at seven days a week with shortest response times as well as staggered service packages with variable spare parts and maintenance scope.
4. More Competence
One of our strongest competences is the processing of all insulating media: from highly filled to unfilled cast resin systems via the oil/paper sector to highly viscous silicones. The products of our customers are used in most various ranges: the electrical, electronics, wind energy and automotive industry as well as in the composite, pharma and medical sector.
5. More Performance
Considerably increased performance in equipment technique is achieved by our customers with processes that suit their demands. Starting with the high-pressure dosing pump technology, via the MTB (Multi Top Benefit) technology with an output of 9 t/day, to our low-frequency drying technique with up to 70% of energy saving.