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TOP 100 Success: HEDRICH to grab for the Second Star as Leading Innovator 2018

It is the 25th time for the TOP 100 competition to choose the most innovative German medium-sized companies. And again this year, the HEDRICH GmbH is amongst those leading innovators.

HEDRICH Surprising with LED Fair Booth Design at the CWIEME 2018
June 19, to 21, 2018 saw Berlin conducting again its major exhibition in the electric industry, the CWIEME 2018.
The CWIEME Berlin (Coil Winding, Insulation and Electrical Manufacturing Exhibition) is the leading fair for manufacturing coils, electric motors and transformers in the world;
Hedrich Newcomers in the Thick!

Welcoming new employees to Central Hesse, this is what the „Newcomer‘s Day“ series aims for. This event having been conceived by the work group Willkommenskultur (culture of welcoming) under the umbrella of the regional management of Central Hesse.

HEDRICH to Welcome Students of the THM in Katzenfurt

It was the visit of CEO Joachim Schulz and Andrea Potsch, HR manager of the Hedrich GmbH, to the THM (Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences) in Giessen at the end of last month that set the stage for this event.

Employees Celebrating their Anniversaries with the HEDRICH GmbH

Within the scope of a company party not less than a dozen employees of HEDRICH in Katzenfurt were honored for their longtime loyalty and commitment to the company.

Products of the Year 2017

This year, the HEDRICH GmbH has succeeded in being named as one of the TOP 10 products’ manufacturers in the field of plastics engineering for the first time.

HEDRICH spendet an die Hessischen Tafeln
Wie jedes Jahr hatte die Firma HEDRICH wieder eine nicht unerhebliche Summe von 2.500 € für humanitäre Zwecke im Spendenbudget vorgesehen.
Many new young faces at HEDRICH

Yet again, HEDRICH is welcoming to their team many new faces that have joined the group during the period of 01.08 – 01.10.2017. Whether as trainees, interns or employees in permanent position, the HEDRICH staff grows at all levels.

Member of the State Parliament of Hesse Stephan Grueger Visiting HEDRICH

The member of the state parliament for the SPD party Stephan Grueger did not miss the opportunity to fix a longer scheduled visiting date to the company.

HEDRICH GmbH as TOP 100 Innovator

It was on Friday June 23rd, when the most successful think tanks in Germany received the coveted prize.

HEDRICH is yourfirm TOP-Employer

From 01.01.2016 to 28.02.2017, the users of the online job portal yourfirm.de have voted for the 1,000 „Top Medium-Sized Employers 2017“ among more than 10,000 employers.

Very Successful Start at the HANOVER FAIR

HEDRICH has been introducing again this year some trendsetting innovations: the automatic residual moisture and gas content measurement for unfilled cast resins is demonstrated live at the stall.

Girls´Day at HEDRICH in Katzenfurt

It was on April 27, 2017 – this year’s Girls'Day – when Hedrich GmbH opened doors for three seventh-year female pupils.